Medicinal Sauces

Medicinal Sauces


Magical Medicinal Sauces is one of my favorite classes as it adds so much quick value to your kitchen! Sauces can be a wonderful vehicle for incorporating health-promoting ingredients into meals while adding flavor and excitement to dishes. You will love incorporating medicinal sauces into your home cooking.

  1. Turmeric Tahini Sauce:

    Turmeric contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making this sauce not only delicious but potentially beneficial for reducing inflammation.

  2. Herb-infused Pesto:

    Amp up the health benefits by adding other herbs like parsley, cilantro, or mint, which are rich in antioxidants and can support digestion and detoxification.

  3. Ginger Carrot Miso Dressing:

    This dressing not only adds a tangy umami flavor to salads or stir-fries but also provides probiotics from miso and anti-inflammatory properties from ginger.

  4. Schug:

    Fresh herbs are packed with vitamins and minerals, and garlic has immune-boosting properties, making this sauce both tasty and potentially health-supportive.

  5. Spicy Avocado Sauce:

    The spiciness from chili can boost metabolism and add a punch of flavor.

Each of these sauces not only enhances the taste of dishes but also offers potential health benefits.

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