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the journey to healing
Articles by Courtney Contos
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Dear Rheumatoid Arthritis
It’s time I say thank you for coming into my life 12 years ago and showing me how to be a stronger human! You have pushed me so hard to dream big and overcome what felt like the impossible. Now that you are gone I want to take a moment to thank you for all of the experiences and opportunities you have given me.
Tipping Point
My tipping point was April 4th, 2018, I saw something my best friend from 3rd grade had posted on facebook about healing and health. She is an MD and a Functional Medicine doctor. Her post lead me to reach out about my own health issues with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
12 years
My autoimmune problems started before I even knew they existed. This is often the case because you may have an autoimmune condition up to 15 years before you are diagnosed. Someone may have antibodies 5, 10, 15 years before diagnosed, often with no symptoms. At some point when I was 18 my body started this process.
Has your doctor ever prescribed dry brushing? When I was suffering from some inflammation my Functional Medicine doctor had a quick response and it was dry brushing. It is now part of my routine thanks to Dr. Caroline Schier!